Un studio de 38m2 à l'aménagement parfait par Cartelle Design
Les architectes de Cartelle Design ont réalisé l'aménagement de ce studio de 38m² à Saint-Pétersbourg, afin de créer des conditions de vie confortables dans un petit espace. On devait y trouver une chambre à coucher, une cuisine, un lieu de travail, un espace de détente avec un canapé et de prévoir un nombre suffisant d'espaces de rangement. L'appartement a été divisé en deux zones. La zone cuisine-salon a été placée le long des fenêtres, et la chambre à coucher à l'arrière de la pièce. Différentes nuances de gris sont mixées avec le bois naturel, le lit a été placé sur un podium et des cloisons métalliques coulissantes rendent la zone privée, mais conservent en même temps une impression générale d'espace.
38m2 studio with a perfect layout by Cartelle Design
The architects of Cartelle Design created the layout of this 38m² studio in Saint Petersburg, in order to provide comfortable living conditions in a small space. It had to include a bedroom, a kitchen, a work area, a relaxation area with a sofa and to provide sufficient storage space. The apartment was divided into two areas. The kitchen-living area was placed along the windows, and the bedroom at the back of the room. Different shades of grey have been mixed with the natural wood, the bed has been placed on a podium and sliding metal partitions make the area private, but at the same time maintain an overall impression of space.

38m2 studio with a perfect layout by Cartelle Design
The architects of Cartelle Design created the layout of this 38m² studio in Saint Petersburg, in order to provide comfortable living conditions in a small space. It had to include a bedroom, a kitchen, a work area, a relaxation area with a sofa and to provide sufficient storage space. The apartment was divided into two areas. The kitchen-living area was placed along the windows, and the bedroom at the back of the room. Different shades of grey have been mixed with the natural wood, the bed has been placed on a podium and sliding metal partitions make the area private, but at the same time maintain an overall impression of space.
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