Cet appartement rénové sur la butte Montmartre à Paris est né de la réunion de deux studios
Situé dans un immeuble construit il y a cent ans, cet appartement au sommet de la butte Montmartre, un quartier typique et charmant de Paris, a été rénové par le studio de design intérieur "Daddy said No", et était autrefois constitué de deux studios qui avaient été reliés. Il possédait un gros potentiel d'aménagement grâce aux cloisons qui pouvaient toutes êtres abattues. Les propriétaires possèdent désormais un appartement de 74m² bien distribué, à la décoration contemporaine chaleureuse, et avec une belle vue.
This renovated apartment on the Montmartre hill in Paris was born from the union of two studios
Located in a building built a hundred years ago, this apartment on the top of the Montmartre hill, a typical and charming district of Paris, has been renovated by the interior design studio "Daddy said No", and was once made of two studios that had been connected. It had great potential for development thanks to the partitions which could all be knocked down. The owners now own a well distributed 74m² apartment with a warm contemporary decoration and a beautiful view.

This renovated apartment on the Montmartre hill in Paris was born from the union of two studios
Located in a building built a hundred years ago, this apartment on the top of the Montmartre hill, a typical and charming district of Paris, has been renovated by the interior design studio "Daddy said No", and was once made of two studios that had been connected. It had great potential for development thanks to the partitions which could all be knocked down. The owners now own a well distributed 74m² apartment with a warm contemporary decoration and a beautiful view.
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