Décoration velours dans un appartement de trois-pièces de 75m2
Le velours apporte la douceur nécessaire à la décoration de cet appartement suédois de trois-pièces situé dans un immeuble neuf. Il tempère l'aspect froid des murs blancs, le métal du mobilier design et joue la couleur dans un univers monochrome.
Velvet design in a two-bedroom apartment of 75m2
Velvet provides the softness needed to decorate this Swedish two-bedroom apartment in a new building. It tempers the cold aspect of the white walls, the metal of the design furniture and plays with colour in a monochrome universe.

Velvet design in a two-bedroom apartment of 75m2
Velvet provides the softness needed to decorate this Swedish two-bedroom apartment in a new building. It tempers the cold aspect of the white walls, the metal of the design furniture and plays with colour in a monochrome universe.
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