Décoration naturelle et épurée pour un appartement
On peut aimer les endroits à la décoration très personnelle, pleine d'objets et de souvenirs, mais on peut également préférer les lieux où une décoration épurée est de mise. C'est le cas de cet appartement suédois, qui grâce à ses couleurs et ses matériaux naturels reste toutefois chaleureux, particulièrement le soir quand la magie de la lumière adoucit le blanc des murs.
Natural and pure decoration for an apartment
You may like places with a very personal decoration, full of objects and souvenirs, but you may also prefer places where a refined decoration is the rule. This is the case of this Swedish apartment, which thanks to its colours and natural materials remains warm, especially in the evening when the magic of the light softens the white of the walls.

Natural and pure decoration for an apartment
You may like places with a very personal decoration, full of objects and souvenirs, but you may also prefer places where a refined decoration is the rule. This is the case of this Swedish apartment, which thanks to its colours and natural materials remains warm, especially in the evening when the magic of the light softens the white of the walls.
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