Le design de ce studio de 36m2 est contemporain et astucieux
Si ce studio de 36m² est situé dans un immeuble ancien datant de 1886, son design intérieur est à la fois contemporain et astucieux. Le gris choisi pour les murs se marie parfaitement avec l'ameublement moderne, et grâce à l'exploitation du volume ancien (on trouve rarement cette hauteur de plafond dans les immeubles du XXIe siècle...), le coin repos est installé en hauteur et sait se faire oublier.
The design of this 36m2 studio is contemporary and smart
Although this 36m² studio is located in an old building dating from 1886, its interior design is both contemporary and smart. The grey chosen for the walls blends perfectly with the modern furnishings, and thanks to the use of the old volume (you rarely find this ceiling height in 21st century buildings...), the resting area is installed high up and knows how to be forgotten.

The design of this 36m2 studio is contemporary and smart
Although this 36m² studio is located in an old building dating from 1886, its interior design is both contemporary and smart. The grey chosen for the walls blends perfectly with the modern furnishings, and thanks to the use of the old volume (you rarely find this ceiling height in 21st century buildings...), the resting area is installed high up and knows how to be forgotten.
Shop the look !

