La rénovation d'un studio avec terrasse en style mini loft
La Reina Obrera, un studio de design espagnol, a totalement réagencé ce studio de 32m² avec une terrasse de 8m². Le mur de briques leur a immédiatement suggéré de le voir comme un mini loft où les séparations entre les pièces sont faites avec des meubles. L'intimité de la chambre est préservée grâce à une étagère qui la dissimule assez pour que le visiteur ne la voit pas en entrant dans la pièce. L'escalier en chêne mène à la terrasse et comme suspendu au plafond par des tiges métalliques. Lors des travaux, après retrait du faux plafond, les poutres d'origine ont été découvertes pour la plus grande joie du propriétaire. Photo : Álvaro de la Fuente et La Reina Obrera
Renovation of a studio with terrace in mini loft style
La Reina Obrera, a Spanish design studio, has totally redesigned this 32m² studio with an 8m² terrace. The brick wall immediately suggested to them to see it as a mini loft where the partitions between the rooms are made with furniture. The intimacy of the bedroom is preserved thanks to a shelf that hides it enough so that the visitor does not see it when entering the room. The oak staircase leads to the terrace and as if suspended from the ceiling by metal rods. During the works, after removal of the false ceiling, the original beams were discovered to the delight of the owner. Photo: Álvaro de la Fuente and La Reina Obrera

Renovation of a studio with terrace in mini loft style
La Reina Obrera, a Spanish design studio, has totally redesigned this 32m² studio with an 8m² terrace. The brick wall immediately suggested to them to see it as a mini loft where the partitions between the rooms are made with furniture. The intimacy of the bedroom is preserved thanks to a shelf that hides it enough so that the visitor does not see it when entering the room. The oak staircase leads to the terrace and as if suspended from the ceiling by metal rods. During the works, after removal of the false ceiling, the original beams were discovered to the delight of the owner. Photo: Álvaro de la Fuente and La Reina Obrera
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