Cuisine ouverte avec îlot pour un appartement familial au plan parfait
Si on observe le plan de cet appartement (en bas de l'article), on peut constater qu'il est parfait et adapté à une vie familiale sereine : la cuisine ouverte avec îlot est à la fois conviviale et pratique, et donne au salon une sensation d'espace. Les chambres sont situées de l'autre côté du couloir qui dessert les pièces, les isolant bien du bruit de la zone de jour. En ce qui concerne la décoration, c'est un mélange équilibré de design contemporain et d'éléments plus classiques, pas trop coloré et qui ne manque pourtant pas de personnalité. La lumière enfin qui entre à flot grâce aux larges fenêtres et le petit balcon sont deux atouts supplémentaires.
Open kitchen with island for a family apartment with a perfect floor plan
If you look at the floor plan of this apartment (at the bottom of the post), you can see that it is perfect and adapted to a serene family life: the open kitchen with island is both convivial and practical, and gives the living room a feeling of space. The bedrooms are located on the other side of the corridor that connects to the rooms, keeping them well insulated from the noise of the living area. In terms of decoration, it is a balanced mix of contemporary design and more classical elements, not too colourful and yet not lacking in personality. The light finally coming in thanks to the large windows and the small balcony are two additional assets.
Open kitchen with island for a family apartment with a perfect floor plan
If you look at the floor plan of this apartment (at the bottom of the post), you can see that it is perfect and adapted to a serene family life: the open kitchen with island is both convivial and practical, and gives the living room a feeling of space. The bedrooms are located on the other side of the corridor that connects to the rooms, keeping them well insulated from the noise of the living area. In terms of decoration, it is a balanced mix of contemporary design and more classical elements, not too colourful and yet not lacking in personality. The light finally coming in thanks to the large windows and the small balcony are two additional assets.