Cette maison préfabriquée est montée en quelques semaines avec un simple tournevis
Avoir sa maison construite en quelques semaines sur son terrain, et emménager très vite, c'est ce que vous propose l'entreprise française « PopUp House ». A la manière d'un Lego, on assemble l'ensemble de la maison avec des blocs isolants séparés par des lames de bois, à l'aide d'un simple tournevis électrique. Elle est en outre passive, et se chauffe avec le soleil, sans déperdition de chaleur grâce à sa forte isolation. Faite de matériaux recyclable, elle est non seulement belle, mais totalement écologique. Son prix ? Il varie selon le degré de finition, vous pouvez tout à fait faire construire la structure et effectuer les finitions vous-mêmes pour le réduire (mais vous saurez tout en cliquant sur ce lien !). Bref, elle représente la maison contemporaine de rêve pour beaucoup d'entre nous, et en plus elle est française ! Cocorico !
This prefabricated house is assembled in a few weeks with a simple screwdriver.
To have your house built in a few weeks on your land, and to move in very quickly, is what the French company "PopUp House" offers you. In the manner of a Lego, the whole house is assembled with insulating blocks separated by wooden slats, using a simple electric screwdriver. It is also passive, and heats with the sun, without heat loss thanks to its high insulation. Made of recyclable materials, it is not only beautiful, but also completely environmentally friendly. Its price? It varies according to the degree of finishing, you can quite easily have the structure built and finished yourself to reduce it (but you'll know everything by clicking on this link!). In short, it represents the contemporary house of dreams for many of us, and on top of that it is French! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
This prefabricated house is assembled in a few weeks with a simple screwdriver.
To have your house built in a few weeks on your land, and to move in very quickly, is what the French company "PopUp House" offers you. In the manner of a Lego, the whole house is assembled with insulating blocks separated by wooden slats, using a simple electric screwdriver. It is also passive, and heats with the sun, without heat loss thanks to its high insulation. Made of recyclable materials, it is not only beautiful, but also completely environmentally friendly. Its price? It varies according to the degree of finishing, you can quite easily have the structure built and finished yourself to reduce it (but you'll know everything by clicking on this link!). In short, it represents the contemporary house of dreams for many of us, and on top of that it is French! Cock-a-doodle-doo!