La rénovation d'une grange ancienne dans l'idyllique campagne anglaise
La rénovation de cette grange ancienne à vendre appelée East Barn et située dans l'idyllique campagne anglaise a été réalisée par l'architecte David Pocknell. Ses volumes impressionnants, sa belle poutraison et ses colombages sont mis en valeur par l'ouverture des espaces, et à la lumière naturelle qui entre dans toutes les pièces. L' espace de vie est spectaculaire avec sa double hauteur, et son parquet en chêne massif et l'intérieur lumineux et moderne, avec ses murs peints en blanc laiteux rend hommage à la vie ancienne du bâtiment qui était autrefois une laiterie.
Renovation of an old barn in the idyllic English countryside
The renovation of this old barn for sale called East Barn and situated in the idyllic English countryside was carried out by the architect David Pocknell. Its impressive volumes, beautiful beams and half-timbering are enhanced by the open spaces and the natural light that comes into every room. The living space is spectacular with its double height and solid oak parquet flooring, and the bright, modern interior, with its walls painted in milky white, pays homage to the former life of the building, which was once a dairy.

Renovation of an old barn in the idyllic English countryside
The renovation of this old barn for sale called East Barn and situated in the idyllic English countryside was carried out by the architect David Pocknell. Its impressive volumes, beautiful beams and half-timbering are enhanced by the open spaces and the natural light that comes into every room. The living space is spectacular with its double height and solid oak parquet flooring, and the bright, modern interior, with its walls painted in milky white, pays homage to the former life of the building, which was once a dairy.
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