Une maison haute et étroite à la décoration contemporaine près de la Tamise
Signal Townhouse est une maison à la façade de briques, haute et étroite, conçue par les architectes de AHMM, et fait partie d'un ensemble de constructions accolées, réinvention contemporaine des maisons victoriennes que l'on peut voir dans les rues de Londres. Sa décoration est ponctuée par des notes colorées qui apportent du dynamisme à cet intérieur sobre et design. Située près de la Tamise, c'est une parfaite maison familiale de 112m² avec ses trois chambres.
Tall and narrow house with contemporary decoration near the Thames
Signal Townhouse is a tall, narrow brick-framed house designed by AHMM architects and is part of a group of adjoining buildings, a contemporary reinvention of the Victorian houses that can be seen on the streets of London. Its decoration is punctuated by colourful notes that bring dynamism to this sober and design interior. Situated near the Thames, it is a perfect 112m² family home with three bedrooms.
Tall and narrow house with contemporary decoration near the Thames
Signal Townhouse is a tall, narrow brick-framed house designed by AHMM architects and is part of a group of adjoining buildings, a contemporary reinvention of the Victorian houses that can be seen on the streets of London. Its decoration is punctuated by colourful notes that bring dynamism to this sober and design interior. Situated near the Thames, it is a perfect 112m² family home with three bedrooms.