Cette ancienne salle de bal a été transformée en un sublime appartement à Londres
Sublime est le mot juste lorsqu'on regarde les photos de cet appartement à Londres, installé dans une ancienne salle de bal. La hauteur sous plafond de 4 mètres, les moulures, les hautes fenêtres, les vitraux Art Déco sont mis en valeur par une rénovation menée par les architectes de Stone and Partners (n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur le lien pour les contacter). Le mobilier design s'intègre à merveille dans cet univers d'autant plus parfait qu'il est situé dans le très recherché et huppé quartier de South Kensington.
This former ballroom has been transformed into a sublime flat in London.
Sublime is the right word when looking at the pictures of this London flat, set in a former ballroom. The 4-metre high ceilings, the mouldings, the high windows and the Art Deco stained glass windows are enhanced by a renovation carried out by the architects of Stone and Partners (do not hesitate to click on the link to contact them.). The designer furniture fits perfectly into this universe, which is all the more perfect as it is located in the highly sought-after and exclusive South Kensington district.
This former ballroom has been transformed into a sublime flat in London.
Sublime is the right word when looking at the pictures of this London flat, set in a former ballroom. The 4-metre high ceilings, the mouldings, the high windows and the Art Deco stained glass windows are enhanced by a renovation carried out by the architects of Stone and Partners (do not hesitate to click on the link to contact them.). The designer furniture fits perfectly into this universe, which is all the more perfect as it is located in the highly sought-after and exclusive South Kensington district.