Une cabane écoresponsable et confortable à la décoration épurée
Sara, Ed ont conçu Holly Water, une cabane pour deux à louer pour les vacances, sur le terrain de leur ferme dans la campagne anglaise du Devon. A environ une heure de Dartmoor, d'Exmoor et de la côte, cet endroit parfaitement au calme et confortable, avec sa baignoire en cuivre sur la terrasse et sa mini cabane dans les arbres, est un refuge loin de la ville et de ses tracas. Sa décoration épurée est inspirée par la Scandinavie, avec son bois clair et son ameublement simple aux couleurs neutres. Sa conception d'éco-construction permet une efficacité énergétique optimale et les panneaux solaires et la pompe à chaleur géothermique fournissent le peu dont on a besoin. Toute l'eau provient d'un forage , et est ensuite filtrée, et traitée afin d'être parfaitement potable.
Eco-friendly and comfortable cabin with a refined decoration
Sara and Ed have designed Holly Water, a cabin for two to rent for holidays, on their farm plot in the English Devon countryside. About an hour from Dartmoor, Exmoor and the coast, this perfectly quiet and comfortable place, with its copper bath on the terrace and mini tree house, is a refuge from the city and its hassles. Its simple decoration is inspired by Scandinavia, with its light wood and simple furnishings in neutral colours. Its eco-construction design allows for optimal energy efficiency and the solar panels and geothermal heat pump provide the little that is needed. All the water comes from a borehole, and is then filtered and treated to make it safe to drink.

Eco-friendly and comfortable cabin with a refined decoration
Sara and Ed have designed Holly Water, a cabin for two to rent for holidays, on their farm plot in the English Devon countryside. About an hour from Dartmoor, Exmoor and the coast, this perfectly quiet and comfortable place, with its copper bath on the terrace and mini tree house, is a refuge from the city and its hassles. Its simple decoration is inspired by Scandinavia, with its light wood and simple furnishings in neutral colours. Its eco-construction design allows for optimal energy efficiency and the solar panels and geothermal heat pump provide the little that is needed. All the water comes from a borehole, and is then filtered and treated to make it safe to drink.
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