La rénovation d'une maison typique du 19e siècle à Greenwich Village
Avec sa façade en briques rouges, cette maison de ville typique du style italien du 19e siècle à Manhattan, a bénéficié d'une rénovation en profondeur qui a duré deux ans. Située dans une rue bordée d'arbres dans le quartier historique chic de Greenwich Village, elle est décorée dans un style contemporain chic, caractéristique de la côte Est des USA dans ce qu'il a de meilleur, plutôt épuré, et équilibré. Photo : Evan Joseph
Renovation of a typical 19th century house in Greenwich Village
With its red brick facade, this townhouse, typical of the 19th century Italian style in Manhattan, has benefited from a thorough renovation that took two years. Situated on a tree-lined street in the chic historic district of Greenwich Village, it is decorated in a chic contemporary style, characteristic of the East Coast of the USA at its best, rather uncluttered and balanced. Photo: Evan Joseph

Renovation of a typical 19th century house in Greenwich Village
With its red brick facade, this townhouse, typical of the 19th century Italian style in Manhattan, has benefited from a thorough renovation that took two years. Situated on a tree-lined street in the chic historic district of Greenwich Village, it is decorated in a chic contemporary style, characteristic of the East Coast of the USA at its best, rather uncluttered and balanced. Photo: Evan Joseph
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