La rénovation contemporaine d'une maison traditionnelle près de Londres
Une vaste rénovation dans une maison victorienne près de Londres a introduit de beaux éléments contemporains et a conduit à son agrandissement grâce à une extension sur le jardin. Si la façade a conservé son allure traditionnelle, à l'intérieur ce sont des couleurs modernes et du mobilier aux lignes actuelles qui renouvellent la décoration du lieu. L'esthétique qui prévaut dans la maison et le jardin a été guidée par les voyages des propriétaires actuels au Japon.
Contemporary renovation of a traditional house near London
An extensive renovation in a Victorian house near London introduced beautiful contemporary features and led to its extension into the garden. While the façade has retained its traditional look, the interior is decorated with modern colours and contemporary furniture. The aesthetics of the house and the garden have been guided by the travels of the current owners to Japan.

Contemporary renovation of a traditional house near London
An extensive renovation in a Victorian house near London introduced beautiful contemporary features and led to its extension into the garden. While the façade has retained its traditional look, the interior is decorated with modern colours and contemporary furniture. The aesthetics of the house and the garden have been guided by the travels of the current owners to Japan.
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