La rénovation d'une ancienne ferme a donné cette maison contemporaine à la décoration pleine de charme
Dans la région de Lille, une ancienne ferme a été rénovée par ses propriétaires avec une décoration actuelle pleine de charme, et de coloris bien choisis. Présentée par Espaces Atypiques, elle a une surface de 600m² au total, dont 250 m² dévolus à l'habitation principale, et 60m² pour un logement séparé. Préservant l’histoire du passé, elle fait la part belle aux matériaux authentiques avec son sol en pierres bleues, sa charpente, ses verrières et ses briques.
The renovation of a former farmhouse has given this contemporary house full of charm
In the Lille region, a former farmhouse has been renovated by its owners with a contemporary decoration full of charm, and well chosen colours. Presented by Espaces Atypiques, it has a total surface area of 600m², of which 250m² is devoted to the main house, and 60m² to a separate house. Preserving the history of the past, it gives pride of place to authentic materials with its blue stone pavement, framework, workshop windows and bricks.
The renovation of a former farmhouse has given this contemporary house full of charm
In the Lille region, a former farmhouse has been renovated by its owners with a contemporary decoration full of charm, and well chosen colours. Presented by Espaces Atypiques, it has a total surface area of 600m², of which 250m² is devoted to the main house, and 60m² to a separate house. Preserving the history of the past, it gives pride of place to authentic materials with its blue stone pavement, framework, workshop windows and bricks.