Décoration colorée et joyeuse dans la maison d'une créatrice de macramé
Sara Moreno, une créatrice de tapisserie et macramé pour son entreprise Fruto Samore, a quitté Burgos pour s'installer à Madrid avec sa famille. Dans sa maison, ses créations sont bien sûr à l'honneur, mais également une décoration colorée et joyeuse, digne de la maison familiale d'un esprit artistique. Photo : Myriam Yeleq
Colourful and joyful decoration in the house of a macramé designer
Sara Moreno, a tapestry and macramé designer for her company Fruto Samore, has left Burgos to settle in Madrid with her family. In her house, her creations are of course in the spotlight, but also a colourful and joyful decoration, worthy of the family home of an artistic spirit. Photo: Myriam Yeleq
Source : Micasa
Colourful and joyful decoration in the house of a macramé designer
Sara Moreno, a tapestry and macramé designer for her company Fruto Samore, has left Burgos to settle in Madrid with her family. In her house, her creations are of course in the spotlight, but also a colourful and joyful decoration, worthy of the family home of an artistic spirit. Photo: Myriam Yeleq
Source : Micasa