La rénovation d'un appartement en bois naturel pour trouver de la chaleur en hiver
A Barcelone le studio de design intérieur Vive a rénové pour des clients norvégiens cet appartement de 70m² en bois naturel et en tons chauds. L'harmonie est totale entre toutes les pièces de l'appartement, et le couple des propriétaires trouve ici la chaleur qui manque à leur beau pays au coeur de l'hiver.
Renovating an apartment made of natural wood to find warmth in winter
In Barcelona, the interior design studio Vive has renovated this 70m² apartment for Norwegian clients in natural wood and warm tones. The harmony is total between all the rooms of the apartment, and the couple of the owners find here the warmth that their beautiful country lacks in the heart of winter.

Renovating an apartment made of natural wood to find warmth in winter
In Barcelona, the interior design studio Vive has renovated this 70m² apartment for Norwegian clients in natural wood and warm tones. The harmony is total between all the rooms of the apartment, and the couple of the owners find here the warmth that their beautiful country lacks in the heart of winter.
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