Parquet chevrons et design doux pour un appartement à Taïwan
Le studio Nor Design à Taiwan a pris en charge la rénovation et la décoration de cet appartement et en a fait un cocon de douceur pour un jeune couple. La sophistication des lignes épurées, le parquet à chevrons en bois clair et les couleurs pastel se marient pour donner un intérieur original qui invite le couple à se détendre, à converser et à passer des moments à cuisiner ensemble.
Herringbone parquet and soft design for an apartment in Taiwan
Nor Design studio in Taiwan took charge of the renovation and decoration of this apartment and made it a cocoon of softness for a young couple. The sophistication of the clean lines, the herringbone parquet flooring in light wood and the pastel colours combine to give an original interior that invites the couple to relax, converse and spend time cooking together.
Herringbone parquet and soft design for an apartment in Taiwan
Nor Design studio in Taiwan took charge of the renovation and decoration of this apartment and made it a cocoon of softness for a young couple. The sophistication of the clean lines, the herringbone parquet flooring in light wood and the pastel colours combine to give an original interior that invites the couple to relax, converse and spend time cooking together.