Cuisine en contreplaqué et design béton pour un petit appartement de 45m2
C'est à Minsk en Biélorussie, que la designer Ekaterina Trukhanova a pris en charge l'aménagement de ce petit appartement de 45m². Les murs en béton et la cuisine en contreplaqué, des matériaux simples et économiques, lui donnent une allure originale et très design. Son propriétaire, un jeune homme, désirait une chambre séparée réalisée par la designer à l'aide de cloisons vitrées qui laissent passer la lumière. Styliste : Lena Kulanina. Photo : Sergei Pilipovich
Plywood kitchen and concrete design for a small apartment of 45m2
The designer Ekaterina Trukhanova took charge of the furnishing of this small 45m² apartment in Minsk, Belarus. The concrete walls and the plywood kitchen, simple and economical materials, give it an original and very design look. Its owner, a young man, wanted a separate bedroom made by the designer with glass partitions that let the light through. Designer: Lena Kulanina. Photo: Sergei Pilipovich
Source : In my Room

Plywood kitchen and concrete design for a small apartment of 45m2
The designer Ekaterina Trukhanova took charge of the furnishing of this small 45m² apartment in Minsk, Belarus. The concrete walls and the plywood kitchen, simple and economical materials, give it an original and very design look. Its owner, a young man, wanted a separate bedroom made by the designer with glass partitions that let the light through. Designer: Lena Kulanina. Photo: Sergei Pilipovich
Source : In my Room
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