Murs de briques et parquet ancien pour un appartement aux espaces ouverts
Si cet appartement suédois de 82m²possède une enveloppe ancienne, c'est bien avec des volumes contemporains qu'il se présente sous nos yeux. Il a conservé en outre ses portes vitrées d'origine, ses moulures, et sa hauteur sous plafond, mais a adopté un mobilier design qui laisse la vedette à ses beaux volumes. Une parfaite réussite encore une fois du mélange ancien et contemporain qui fait les intérieurs uniques !
Brick walls and antique parquet flooring for an open-plan flat
If this 82m² Swedish flat has an antique envelope, it is with contemporary volumes that it presents itself before our eyes. It has also kept its original glass doors, its mouldings, and its ceiling height, but has adopted a design furniture which leaves the star to its beautiful volumes. Once again, a perfect success of the blend of old and contemporary that makes the unique interiors !

Brick walls and antique parquet flooring for an open-plan flat
If this 82m² Swedish flat has an antique envelope, it is with contemporary volumes that it presents itself before our eyes. It has also kept its original glass doors, its mouldings, and its ceiling height, but has adopted a design furniture which leaves the star to its beautiful volumes. Once again, a perfect success of the blend of old and contemporary that makes the unique interiors !
Shop the look !

